我们有两个博客可用于开发人员相关内容,这两个博客是我的个人博客,而WebDesires博客是我的个人博客,它是“ deano.me” 。问题在于,有时帖子与网站有关,并且任何知道Google的人及其重复的内容政策都知道错误地执行此操作有多严重。
对于那些不知道rel =“ canonical”的人可以用于重复内容,例如,假设我们有一个Blog A和Blog B,Blog A创建了一个帖子,现在Blog B想分享相同的帖子(如果您不愿意) =“ canonical”到Blog A的Blob B页面Google会认识到您正在共享Blog B上Blog A的内容,并将所有功劳归于Blog A,更重要的是,它不会将Blog B的帖子归类为重复内容,并且在在某种程度上,博客B仍然可以享受排名优势。
//Custom Canonical // A copy of rel_canonical but to allow an override on a custom tag function rel_canonical_with_custom_tag_override() { global $wp_the_query; if( !is_singular() ) { $link = get_canonical_url(); } else if( !$id = $wp_the_query->get_queried_object_id() ) { $link = get_canonical_url(); } else { // remove the default WordPress canonical URL function //remove_action( 'su_head', 'link_rel_canonical_tag' ); // check whether the current post has content in the "canonical_url" custom field $canonical_url = get_post_meta( $id, 'canonical', true ); if( '' != $canonical_url ) { // trailing slash functions copied from http://core.trac.wordpress.org/attachment/ticket/18660/canonical.6.patch $link = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( $canonical_url ) ); } else { $link = get_canonical_url(); } } remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rel_canonical' ); echo "<link rel='canonical' href='" . esc_url( $link ) . "' />\n"; } function get_canonical_url() { global $wp_query, $wp_rewrite; //404s and search results don't have canonical URLs if ($wp_query->is_404 || $wp_query->is_search) return false; //Are there posts in the current Loop? $haspost = count($wp_query->posts) > 0; //Handling special case with '?m=yyyymmddHHMMSS'. if (get_query_var('m')) { $m = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', get_query_var('m')); switch (strlen($m)) { case 4: // Yearly $link = get_year_link($m); break; case 6: // Monthly $link = get_month_link(substr($m, 0, 4), substr($m, 4, 2)); break; case 8: // Daily $link = get_day_link(substr($m, 0, 4), substr($m, 4, 2), substr($m, 6, 2)); break; default: //Since there is no code for producing canonical archive links for is_time, we will give up and not try to produce a link. return false; } //Posts and pages } elseif (($wp_query->is_single || $wp_query->is_page) && $haspost) { $post = $wp_query->posts[0]; $link = get_permalink($post->ID); if (is_front_page()) $link = trailingslashit($link); //Author archives } elseif ($wp_query->is_author && $haspost) { $author = get_userdata(get_query_var('author')); if ($author === false) return false; $link = get_author_posts_url($author->ID, $author->user_nicename); //Category archives } elseif ($wp_query->is_category && $haspost) { $link = get_category_link(get_query_var('cat')); //Tag archives } else if ($wp_query->is_tag && $haspost) { $tag = get_term_by('slug',get_query_var('tag'),'post_tag'); if (!empty($tag->term_id)) $link = get_tag_link($tag->term_id); //Day archives } elseif ($wp_query->is_day && $haspost) { $link = get_day_link(get_query_var('year'), get_query_var('monthnum'), get_query_var('day')); //Month archives } elseif ($wp_query->is_month && $haspost) { $link = get_month_link(get_query_var('year'), get_query_var('monthnum')); //Year archives } elseif ($wp_query->is_year && $haspost) { $link = get_year_link(get_query_var('year')); //Homepage } elseif ($wp_query->is_home) { if ((get_option('show_on_front') == 'page') && ($pageid = get_option('page_for_posts'))) $link = trailingslashit(get_permalink($pageid)); else $link = trailingslashit(get_option('home')); //Other } else return false; //Handle pagination $page = get_query_var('paged'); if ($page && $page > 1) { if ($wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()) { $link = trailingslashit($link) ."page/$page"; $link = user_trailingslashit($link, 'paged'); } else { $link = esc_url( add_query_arg( 'paged', $page, $link ) ); } } //Handle protocol change //if ($scheme = $this->get_setting('canonical_url_scheme', 'http')) $scheme = 'http'; $link = preg_replace('@^https?://@', "$scheme://", $link); //Return the canonical URL return $link; } // replace the default WordPress canonical URL function with your own add_action( 'su_head', 'rel_canonical_with_custom_tag_override',1 );
当您将希望Canonical的任何帖子写到另一页时,只需添加一个名称为“ canonical”和所需URL值的“ custom field”,然后canonical就会被覆盖为您插入的值。但是,如果您不添加规范的自定义字段,则会生成一个默认的自定义字段,该字段将链接回它应做的相同内容。

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