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希望您阅读并喜欢主题定制器系列的前两篇文章— WordPress主题定制器简介与主题定制器交互。现在是时候进入主课程并开始组装您可以在主题中使用的Theme Customizer样板了。这篇文章包含一些长长的代码块,因此请注意内联注释。

注意:如果您只想立即使用样板,则可以从Github下载样板,并通过钩入’thsp_cbp_options_array’过滤器钩子来更改$ options数组中的字段。




  • customizer.php -这是主要的主题定制样板文件,所述一个,增加了使用数据的部分,设置和控制从选项阵列
  • custom-controls.php –自定义控件类和一个动作挂钩,允许您添加自己的自定义控件
  • helpers.php –帮助程序函数,用于检索主题选项,选项默认值等。
  • options.php –示例选项和过滤器挂钩,可让您编辑options数组并使用自己的字段
  • customizer-controls.css –用于图像替换的无线电自定义控件的基本CSS


现在让我们使用一个真实的示例-我们将文本控件添加到新的Theme Customizer部分。该数组放置在辅助函数中,并在返回时对其应用了过滤器。这样,您可以从子主题或插件中添加更多选项。这里是:

 * Helper function that holds array of theme options.
 * @return	array	$options	Array of theme options
 * @uses	thsp_get_theme_customizer_fields()	defined in customizer/helpers.php
function thsp_get_theme_customizer_fields() {

	 * Using helper function to get default required capability
	$required_capability = thsp_settings_page_capability();
	$options = array(

		// Section ID
		'new_customizer_section' => array(
			 * We're checking if this is an existing section
			 * or a new one that needs to be registered
			'existing_section' => false,
			 * Section related arguments
			 * Codex - http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Customize_Manager/add_section
			'args' => array(
				'title' => __( 'New Section Title', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
				'description' => __( 'New section description', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
				'priority' => 10
			 * 'fields' array contains all the fields that need to be
			 * added to this section
			'fields' => array(
				 * ==========
				 * ==========
				 * Text field
				 * ==========
				 * ==========
				// Field ID
				'new_text_field' => array(
					 * Setting related arguments
					 * Codex - http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Customize_Manager/add_setting
					'setting_args' => array(
						'default' => __( 'Default text value', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
						'type' => 'option',
						'capability' => $required_capability,
						'transport' => 'refresh',
						'sanitize_callback' => 'thsp_sanitize_cb',
					 * Control related arguments
					 * Codex - http://codex.wordpress.org/Class_Reference/WP_Customize_Manager/add_control
					'control_args' => array(
						'label' => __( 'New text control label', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
						'type' => 'text', // Text field control
						'priority' => 1


	 * 'thsp_customizer_options' filter hook will allow you to 
	 * add/remove some of these options from a child theme
	return apply_filters( 'thsp_customizer_options', $options );



在$选项阵列由段(S)(只有在这种情况下- new_customizer_section),每个部分都有它的参数,字段和一个布尔值(existing_section)来表示,如果它是一个新的部分,或者我们只是增加了一些领域到现有的。参数数组与传递给$ wp_customize-> add_section方法的参数相同。字段数组稍微复杂一些。


每个字段都包含一个定制程序设置和一个定制程序控件。这就是为什么我们有setting_args和control_args数组的原因。它们与传递给$ wp_customize-> add_setting$ wp_customize-> add_control方法的参数数组几乎完全相同。唯一的区别是控制参数中的“选择”数组,$ wp_customize-> add_control要求它是一个简单的键=>值对数组,而我们使用的是多维数组。

这样就可以将更多的数据传递给每个选项,因此,例如,如果您在主题中加载Google字体,则可以使用字符串,使您可以在options数组中加载正确的字体。您可以看到使用Customizer Boilerplate的此主题的示例。



 * ==============
 * Checkbox field
 * ==============
'new_checkbox_field' => array(
	'setting_args' => array(
		'default' => true,
		'type' => 'option',
		'capability' => $required_capability,
		'transport' => 'refresh',
		'sanitize_callback' => 'thsp_sanitize_cb',
	'control_args' => array(
		'label' => __( 'New radio control label', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
		'type' => 'checkbox', // Checkbox field control					
		'priority' => 2


 * ===========
 * ===========
 * Radio field
 * ===========
 * ===========
'new_radio_field' => array(
	'setting_args' => array(
		'default' => 'option-2',
		'type' => 'option',
		'capability' => $thsp_cbp_capability,
		'transport' => 'refresh',
	'control_args' => array(
		'label' => __( 'New radio control label', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
		'type' => 'radio', // Radio control
		'choices' => array(
			'option-1' => array(
				'label' => __( 'Option 1', 'my_theme_textdomain' )
			'option-2' => array(
				'label' => __( 'Option 2', 'my_theme_textdomain' )
			'option-3' => array(
				'label' => __( 'Option 3', 'my_theme_textdomain' )
		'priority' => 3

 * ============
 * ============
 * Select field
 * ============
 * ============
'new_select_field' => array(
	'setting_args' => array(
		'default' => 'option-3',
		'type' => 'option',
		'capability' => $thsp_cbp_capability,
		'transport' => 'refresh',
	'control_args' => array(
		'label' => __( 'New select field label', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
		'type' => 'select', // Select control
		'choices' => array(
			'option-1' => array(
				'label' => __( 'Option 1', 'my_theme_textdomain' )
			'option-2' => array(
				'label' => __( 'Option 2', 'my_theme_textdomain' )
			'option-3' => array(
				'label' => __( 'Option 3', 'my_theme_textdomain' )
		'priority' => 4


 * ===========
 * ===========
 * File Upload
 * ===========
 * ===========
'new_file_upload_field' => array(
	'setting_args' => array(
		'default' => '',
		'type' => 'option',
		'capability' => $thsp_cbp_capability,
		'transport' => 'refresh',
	'control_args' => array(
		'label' => __( 'File upload', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
		'type' => 'upload', // File upload field control
		'priority' => 5

 * ============
 * ============
 * Image Upload
 * ============
 * ============
'new_image_upload_field' => array(
	'setting_args' => array(
		'default' => '',
		'type' => 'option',
		'capability' => $thsp_cbp_capability,
		'transport' => 'refresh',
	'control_args' => array(
		'label' => __( 'Image upload', 'my_theme_textdomain' ),
		'type' => 'image', // Image upload field control
		'priority' => 6



如果您不确定如何与WordPress Theme Customizer交互,请检查一下,因为这就是我们现在要做的。唯一的区别是,我们不会一次添加一个部分,设置和控件,而是将使用创建的序列化数组自动执行该过程。让我们跳进去吧:

function thsp_cbp_customize_register( $wp_customize ) {

	 * Custom controls
	require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/custom-controls.php' );

	 * Get all the fields using a helper function
	$thsp_sections = thsp_cbp_get_fields();

	 * Get name of DB entry under which options will be stored
	$thsp_cbp_option = thsp_cbp_option();

	 * Loop through the array and add Customizer sections
	foreach( $thsp_sections as $thsp_section_key => $thsp_section_value ) {
		 * Adds Customizer section, if needed
		if( ! $thsp_section_value['existing_section'] ) {
			$thsp_section_args = $thsp_section_value['args'];
			// Add section
		} // end if
		 * Loop through 'fields' array in each section
		 * and add settings and controls
		$thsp_section_fields = $thsp_section_value['fields'];
		foreach( $thsp_section_fields as $thsp_field_key => $thsp_field_value ) {

			 * Check if 'option' or 'theme_mod' is used to store option
			 * If nothing is set, $wp_customize->add_setting method will default to 'theme_mod'
			 * If 'option' is used as setting type its value will be stored in an entry in
			 * {prefix}_options table. Option name is defined by thsp_cbp_option() function
			if ( isset( $thsp_field_value['setting_args']['type'] ) && 'option' == $thsp_field_value['setting_args']['type'] ) {
				$setting_control_id = $thsp_cbp_option . '[' . $thsp_field_key . ']';
			} else {
				$setting_control_id = $thsp_field_key;
			 * Add default callback function, if none is defined
			if ( ! isset( $thsp_field_value['setting_args']['sanitize_cb'] ) ) {
				$thsp_field_value['setting_args']['sanitize_cb'] = 'thsp_cbp_sanitize_cb';

			 * Adds Customizer settings

			 * Adds Customizer control
			 * 'section' value must be added to 'control_args' array
			 * so control can get added to current section
			$thsp_field_value['control_args']['section'] = $thsp_section_key;
			 * $wp_customize->add_control method requires 'choices' to be a simple key => value pair
			if ( isset( $thsp_field_value['control_args']['choices'] ) ) {
				$thsp_cbp_choices = array();
				foreach( $thsp_field_value['control_args']['choices'] as $thsp_cbp_choice_key => $thsp_cbp_choice_value ) {
					$thsp_cbp_choices[$thsp_cbp_choice_key] = $thsp_cbp_choice_value['label'];
				$thsp_field_value['control_args']['choices'] = $thsp_cbp_choices;		
			// Check control type
			if ( 'color' == $thsp_field_value['control_args']['type'] ) {
					new WP_Customize_Color_Control(
			} elseif ( 'image' == $thsp_field_value['control_args']['type'] ) { 
					new WP_Customize_Image_Control(
			} elseif ( 'upload' == $thsp_field_value['control_args']['type'] ) { 
					new WP_Customize_Upload_Control(
			} else {
		} // end foreach
	} // end foreach	

add_action( 'customize_register', 'thsp_cbp_customize_register' );


还记得我们为所有设置使用了’type’=>’option’吗?这就是为什么我们现在对设置和部分都使用“ my_theme_options [$ thsp_field_key]”的原因  。这会将所有值存储为一个序列化数组,您可以使用get_option(’my_theme_options’)进行检索。或者,您可以只使用helpers.php中定义的helper函数来检索所有字段的当前值和默认值:

 * Get Option Values
 * Array that holds all of the options values
 * Option's default value is used if user hasn't specified a value
 * @uses	thsp_get_theme_customizer_defaults()	defined in /customizer/options.php
 * @return	array									Current values for all options
 * @since	Theme_Customizer_Boilerplate 1.0
function thsp_cbp_get_options_values() {

	// Get the option defaults
	$option_defaults = thsp_cbp_get_options_defaults();
	// Parse the stored options with the defaults
	$thsp_cbp_options = wp_parse_args( get_option( thsp_cbp_option(), array() ), $option_defaults );
	// Return the parsed array
	return $thsp_cbp_options;

 * Get Option Defaults
 * Returns an array that holds default values for all options
 * @uses	thsp_get_theme_customizer_fields()	defined in /customizer/options.php
 * @return	array	$thsp_option_defaults		Default values for all options
 * @since	Theme_Customizer_Boilerplate 1.0
function thsp_cbp_get_options_defaults() {

	// Get the array that holds all theme option fields
	$thsp_sections = thsp_cbp_get_fields();
	// Initialize the array to hold the default values for all theme options
	$thsp_option_defaults = array();
	// Loop through the option parameters array
	foreach ( $thsp_sections as $thsp_section ) {
		$thsp_section_fields = $thsp_section['fields'];
		foreach ( $thsp_section_fields as $thsp_field_key => $thsp_field_value ) {

			// Add an associative array key to the defaults array for each option in the parameters array
			if( isset( $thsp_field_value['setting_args']['default'] ) ) {
				$thsp_option_defaults[$thsp_field_key] = $thsp_field_value['setting_args']['default'];
			} else {
				$thsp_option_defaults[$thsp_field_key] = false;
	// Return the defaults array
	return $thsp_option_defaults;


 * Theme Customizer sanitization callback function
function thsp_sanitize_cb( $input ) {
	return wp_kses_post( $input );






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